Uscita posticipata per Watch Dogs

Ubisoft ha annunciato che l’uscita di Watch Dogs sarà posticipata alla primavera del 2014, giustificando la decisione.

Watch Dogs
Watch Dogs

Hanno detto che la loro ambizione nei riguardi di Watch Dogs era quella di consegnare al pubblico un prodotto che tutti vorrebbero avere con l’uscita delle console di nuova generazione.

Lo hanno deciso ora perché dato che non volevano alcun compromesso su grafica e gameplay vogliono avere quel tempo in più per ottimizzare tutto e perfezionare tutti i dettagli che compongono il gioco per fornire agli utenti un’esperienza eccezionale e memorabile.

Qui l’estratto del comunicato di Ubisoft in lingua originale:

Our ambition from the start with Watch Dogs has been to deliver something that embodies what we wanted to see in the next-generation of gaming. It is with this in mind that we’ve made the tough decision to delay the release until Spring 2014.

We know a lot of you are probably wondering ‘why now?’ We struggled with whether we would delay the game. But from the beginning, we have adopted the attitude that we will not compromise on quality. As we got closer to release, as all the pieces of the puzzle were falling into place in our last push before completion, it became clear to us that we needed to take the extra time to polish and fine tune every detail so we can deliver a truly memorable and exceptional experience.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you. We thoroughly enjoy and appreciate the way you respond on the web, at events, press conferences and during other opportunities we have to interact. Your passion is what drives us.

We can’t wait to see you in Chicago next Spring. We are confident you’ll love this game as much as we love working on it.

Che dire? Non ci resta che aspettare e vedere se l’attesa sarà ripagata!

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